train·ing (noun) teaching a particular skill or type of behavior through practice and instruction over a period of time.
FireTox offers a full range of fire investigation and safety training seminars. Whether it be online or face-to-face training spanning a few hours to a few days, FireTox can provide customized training to support your professional development needs. Courses topics include, but are not limited to:
NFPA 921 and the Scientific Method
Understanding Fire Growth and Spread- The Basics of Fire Science
Fire Protection Systems- Post-Fire Analysis
The Use of Forensic Toxicology in Fire Death and Injury Investigation
Investigative Methods in Carbon Monoxide Poisoning Incidents
The Role of Alcohol and Drugs in Fire Deaths and Injuries
Pain and Suffering in Fire Victims
Occupational Safety and Health in Fire Investigation
Contact us today to learn more about our Fire Investigation and Safety Training Seminars.